Friday, April 24, 2020

IES Santa Clara- Santander, Spain

Report on the Preparatory Meeting in Porto - 2004

Comenius delegations from France, Germany, Italy, Poland and Spain in Porto, Portugal - September / October 2004

Comenius delegations from France, Germany, Italy, Poland and Portugal in Santander, Spain - April / May 2004

Info on the Exhibition of the Comenius outcomes performed during 2003/2004

Invitation for the 4th Comenius Meeting in Porto, Portugal

Comenius school partnership- 2004 / 2005

Comenius group in IES Santa Clara , Santander, Spain , with the Spanish Coordinator Maria José Ojeda

Spanish Comenius group 1

IES Santa Clara welcomes Comenius participants

3rd International Meeting in Santander, Spain - info

Relatório final do Projeto Comenius - 2005 - Pag. 1

Relatório final 2005 - 1 Ler mais publicações no Calaméo